CLI tool to manage Level27 entities
lvl is a CLI tool that empowers users.
--apikey string API key
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.lvl.yaml)
-h, --help help for lvl
-o, --output string Specifies output mode for commands. Accepted values are 'text', 'json', 'yaml' or 'id'. (default "text")
--trace Do detailed network request logging. This is intended for debugging and should not be parsed.
- lvl app - Commands to manage apps
- lvl completion - A brief description of your command
- lvl domain - Commands for managing domains
- lvl job - Commands related to viewing and managing jobs
- lvl login - Log in to CP4
- lvl mail - Commands to manage mailgroups and mailboxes
- lvl network - Commands for managing networks
- lvl organisation - Commands for managing organisations
- lvl package - Manage Agency Hosting packages
- lvl region - Commands to view available regions for systems
- lvl sshkey - Commands for managing SSH keys
- lvl system - Commands for managing systems
- lvl systemgroup - Commands for managing systemgroups
- lvl task - Commands for managing tasks
- lvl update - Update lvl to the latest version