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lvl app component create

Create a new appcomponent.

lvl app component create [flags]


lvl app component create --name myComponentName --type docker


      --attachment int32       ID of the attachment to use with the appcomponent. Used for some components, such as solr config upload. Attachments may be managed with the 'lvl app component attachment' set of commands.
-h, --help help for create
--limitgroup string For Agency Hosting applications, which limit group the component will be added to.
--name string
--param stringArray
-f, --params-file string JSON file to read params from. Pass '-' to read from stdin.
--system string
--systemgroup string
--systemprovider int32
--type string
--wait Wait for the operation to finish on the API.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apikey string   API key
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.lvl.yaml)
-o, --output string Specifies output mode for commands. Accepted values are 'text', 'json', 'yaml' or 'id'. (default "text")
--trace Do detailed network request logging. This is intended for debugging and should not be parsed.