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lvl system sshconfig

Add system's name to your user SSH config for easy access


Add system's name to your user SSH config for easy access This will add a Host entry to your SSH config, so afterwards you can use commands outside lvl to access the system by name. For example: rsync foo.txt my-awesome-system:~/

The new host names are written into a separate ~/.ssh/lvl config file, which gets added to your ~/.ssh/config via an Include directive.

lvl system sshconfig [flags]


  -h, --help   help for sshconfig

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apikey string   API key
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.lvl.yaml)
-o, --output string Specifies output mode for commands. Accepted values are 'text', 'json', 'yaml' or 'id'. (default "text")
--trace Do detailed network request logging. This is intended for debugging and should not be parsed.